Sunday, September 04, 2005

Riddle me this......

They say time heals everything.After watching Batman Begins i was so depressed that i could not believe that anything could lift me up from the slump that Christopher Nolan had managed to push me into.Enter Batman: Dead End.A short film by special effects specialist Sandy Collora.This very compact 6minute film managed to do what batman films have failed to do for a long time.One look and you realize that they have done their research,they have read the comics and the feel of the comic is there in the film.Special mention?The scene where the dark knight is standing up from the ground.simply put - awesome.
Every film has its weak points and although batman dead end has its own flaws ,it stands out for one major reason-it managed to keep it dark and serious.My friend was of the opinion that this short is only for bat-o-freaks.I on the other hand would not agree since this film is not even trying to refer to any comic book incident that you need to have a prior knowledge of.My friend also feels that he has some trouble buying into the capabilities of the batman.I believe his words were "a little white boy learns what 90 year old zen masters try to learn all their lives".Strangely he doesnt have trouble believing in superman who apparently with his x-ray vison can see far and wide yet whenever he uses his x ray powers it doesnt seem to have any radiological effect on the people around him.It is like saying that only the japanese can be the best samurai or the chinese alone can be best at wushu.Prime real life example - Steven Seagal-yes that burly action star-he is a 7th dan aikido master and other varying forms of martial arts.Moreover,he is the first non japanese man to own a dojo in japan itself.Meaning the japanese actually learn from him .He also holds an administrative post in the aikido ruling body.There are allways exceptions.Even bruce lee who was a student of a relatively lesser known fighting style later sparred with different martial arts masters to perfect his own fighting style-jeet kun do.Pity he did no live longer to have improved on his own methods.The creator of Krav Maga,Imi Lichtenfeld also sieved through different martial arts to make an extremely lethal fighting style.Before I deviate further let me retrace my path back to what i wanted to say.It made me very happy to see fans making great works like this and made me forget the mental anguish of having to watch Batman Begins.I have managed to stumble upon another Batman fan film called Batman : Madness and hopefully i will get to see it soon.If anyone reading this knows of any link to download Batman : Madness please let me know.Till then,down with Russel Crowe,Rosario Dawson ,Christopher Nolan and David Goyer(the rest of my dislike list will be updated later)!


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