You know you are getting old when...
You know you are getting old when you start getting 'practical' gifts on your birthday -check
You know you are getting old when you dont want your friends to remind you your age -check
You know you are getting old when you start getting nostalgic of the 'good old days' -check
You know you are getting old when you start your birthday by thinking, Man! I have lived half my life already! -check
You know you are getting old when your friends starts the day with a you are an old fogey joke and you dont even have the energy to kick their ass. -check
You know you are getting old when you feel too lazy to eat out on your birthday. -check
You know you are getting old when you laugh at how silly you were when you celebrated your birthday when you were 15.( But it was still cool.) -check
You know you are getting old when...Aah who cares? I am old. Let me go read good old age home brochures.
You know you are getting old when the chicks stop calling you on your birthday and your friends call up days later with a tardy line like - Hope it was a good one.
Sorry Tamal..Missed your birthday!!!
Can't believe I missed your birthday! I should start using a personal organizer or something to contain my scatterbrained self.
A belated happy birthday to you mate.
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