Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Oscars

Well,the Oscar ceremony for this year is done and I believe my friend Rohan has started breathing normally again. Any longer and he would have fainted. As usual the Oscars winners this year is a mixed bag. I, being very bitchy by nature, have some things to point out. Since I have been very busy I have not been able to watch most of the films in this years nominees so I wont diss them totally. One thing I am very happy about -Ang Lee. He finally won the oscar. It was high time. Lets hope this ensures that he gets his hands on bigger projects(hopefully starts filming the Crouching Tiger prequel and sequel! ). I am also happy for Philip Seymour Hoffman.He has been doing small but memorable roles for a long time and its great to see him being rewarded.George Clooney being awarded for Best Supporting actor was also quite delightfull.
For me there were only 4 real surprises in the awards.The first was Crash winning Best Picture over Brokeback. But as is noticeable,the majority of the voters would associate with crash more easily than Brokeback. The second is of course Reese Witherspoon winning over Felicity Huffman.What in the name of hell was that?? Ugh! The third was seeing Wallace & Gromit in The Curse of the Were-Rabbit winning the Best Animated Picture award over Tim Burton's Corpse Bride and Hayao Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle. Quite honestly I am tired of watching japanime being ignored at the Oscars.They can give an Oscar to crap like The Incredibles,but great works like Millenium Actress(that year,Shrek won the oscar and Millenium Actress didnt even get a nomination-dont get me wrong,Shrek is very good but compared to Millenium Actress it is less than nothing.),Princess Mononoke gets ignored. I have even seen Corpse Bride and I had thought either of those two would win. I loved Corpse Bride . Anyway, whats done is done.The biggest Shock for me was seeing the best song Oscar go to the song "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp" .What can i say?The subtelity of the song,the deeper meaning of the lyrics just bowled me over.Who the hell was John Lennon anyway? Writing songs like "Imagine"? I dont know if you have noticed, but lately the American people have been gripped by this reverse racism fever.Its as if all the white folks in their manors are thinking,"Ok,we have made slaves out of these people for 200 years or so,how do we make them forget it real fast?Give away awards to the most popular people/works even if its mindless,of course!"I still cant get over the fact the Jamie Foxx won the Oscar instead of Don Cheadle.I will give you an example to elaborate my point.Sony Pictures Animation has brought out a new animated film for kids called Open Season.I had downloaded the trailer.At the very end,we see one character saying to another "Not this fall,Bitch!"-yes, this was there in the trailer.This sudden over accomodation in American media to bring in more colored viewers is quite hideous.I dread to imagine what the situation will be a few years from now.Any day now we will hear Snoop Doggy Dog also getting an Oscar.Then again if enema-nem ..sorry Eminem can get an Oscar anything is possible.Before i end this post,i have one question though.Can anyone tell me how come Batman Begins can get a Best Cinematography nomination when Jarhead and Munich gets looked over?Seriously?


Blogger Rohan said...

Brokeback lost!!! :-(


7:25 PM  

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