Sunday, April 16, 2006

This and that

A lot has happened in the last week or so. My first year in film school is drawing to a close. I have only two more days of shoot to attend and then I am done. I had intended to post some good news in my upcoming posts but it got delayed due to several reasons. As a matter of fact said good news has been basically rendered useless by a recent developement. Moreover, I had foolishly lost my temper on a friend for an entirely baseless reason after which I kind of lost my desire to post anything at all.I am not sure I deserve to be forgiven after my outburst.That commincation gap caused a huge misunderstanding and frankly I dont know what posessed me to behave that way.
I had wanted to inform everybody that South Park season 10 had started in America and that it had started with a bang. The first episode was quite funny to be frank. But then I found out that the main website which hosts SP episodes has been myteriously pulled down without any explanations. That's right, is no more. Granted there are other websites which hosts SP,but not in the same small format size. Anyway, a great website has been pulled down and that makes me sad. Sallu got bail and came out looking as nonchalant as before. Which makes me wonder, how much of this was planned? Was it planned in a way that fools like me would rejoice thinking that he would get his just desserts? Remember, the industry has around 200 crores riding on him in the next 2 years and they wont be prepared to let that kind of money go down the drain .
Anyway, the last few weeks I had been trying to finalise my plans to go to Bangalore. I must admit,even thinking of going back to that town brings back a lot of memories. One thing I must point out here, all through out my life I have never been very enthusiastic about photographs. As a matter of fact I have had an aversion to being present in group photos. I even used to snigger at people who used to allways have a camera by their side. Some of my friends ended up having a dozen or so albums of photos just in three years of college. In all my school years I had my photo taken only a few times. As a matter of fact, my last school photo was taken in class 4. The aversion to being photographed kicked in and I didnt have any photos taken till I went to college. But lately now that I think about it, in my effort to remain unphotographed like a midget brother of bigfoot I seem to have almost no photos of the people closest to me.
These thoughts had kicked in more and more because I had been planning on buying a camera for a long time to suit my professional needs.I hope I can correct this once I manage to buy my camera. Soon, I hope. I cant help but think that if only I had been a camera nut from earlier on, it would have been beneficial for me in many ways. Those who know me would probably be surprised to see me getting nostalgic. But I have looked at my meager photo collection countless times. Well, another proof that I am getting old. Oh well, if I am indeed going senile than might as well do so with flair. I had gotten a few photos of mine scanned. I would be posting some photos in the coming days. Just to relive the old days. Ah!The days when my mind was less screwed up. It is nice to look back at simpler times now and then.


Blogger Rohan said...

You make it sound like the old dude in the beginning of Amelie crossing out his friend's number from his address book. *SIGH*

11:57 PM  

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