Thursday, September 14, 2006


I needed a release. Thats why I am writing this. Sometimes, I guess we all go crazy. Our logic and sense of right and wrong, our well adjusted sense of reality takes a leave and we fly briefly on the malformed wings of our instincts. In those brief moments nothing but the rush of following your instincts and if i may use the cliche, heart's desire maters. Joyous, dangerous moments. But damn do they make you feel alive or what? (I am not talking about sex, people). My friends will know cause I have told them a thousand times- I fear desensitization a lot. And thankfully, in this unfair and cruel world there are still a few things that can elicit emotion in me. I encountered new ground people! Something to be grateful for, no matter how brief they are.
P.S.- Dont ask why I wrote this.

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