Saturday, September 05, 2009

4 years gone

This post serves a two fold purpose. One to let you guys know that i am still alive and kicking, and secondly to highlight an inane trivia that i myself wasnt aware of even a few minutes ago.
I started this blog after having put my foot in my mouth and was almost forced into starting a blog just to keep a friend company, and then it became an interesting thing to do. Admittedly i havnt been the most regular writer, but i have tried to assault you, my readers' senses with my highly opinionated rants as often as time has permitted. 4 years later , you would think i would have run out of things to rant about. Oh you poor fools. (Thats right, its the 4 year anniversary for omnisnomicon)
This lull you had been experiencing was just my laziness. I will have MANY things to bitch about soon enough , so if you have appointments to the eye doctor, or ENT or even the psychiatrist that you have been postponing, i suggest you go soon. Because soon i will be back in full force, ranting and bitching about...well everything!
Oh and happy birthday to . We are officially four years old and counting.

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