Thursday, May 04, 2006

...and memories part deux

I had thought I would be posting a photo everyday but somehwere down the line those plans got wasted. Anyway, as I had mentioned before my first year is officially over so yay! I will be heading down south for a long trip through South India. Hopefully it will turn out to be a fun trip.
Before I go down memory lane again, a few interesting tidbits of information. I saw the first teaser-trailer of Casino Royale today. Granted, the trailer was in french and my limited knowledge of that language did not help me understand much but I must say, it sucks. It sucks more than the Bond films in which Timothy Dalton starred in. Daniel Craig seems to have committed career harakiri. There was even one bond villain who jumps around like toad in the x men comics. I was never a fan of Bond films but still they never looked this bad. The other clip that I saw was of Brandon Routh trying to fill the boots of Christopher Reeve and failing miserably. It had some cutscenes of him flying superfast through a building and trying to save a burning plane from crashing but man oh man did he look stupid. The sfx of the film obviously look good 'cause with a 210 million dollar production budget(excluding publicity) ANY film can look good. Meh.
Lately every discussion board I have gone to, people seem to be really looking forward to a film called Snakes on a Plane. No points in guessing the storyline. It stars the ever irritating Samuel Jackson. Apparently the studio realized people were stoked for this film and reshot some scenes to include some R rated scenes to make it more adult oriented. One such scene apparently includes a dialogue by Jackson-"Get the mothef****** snakes off my mother****** plane!" Classy. Real classy. Proof beyond all doubt that Hollywood has run out of ideas. One person in my dislike list, Vin Diesel is starring and directing a film. He will play the role of Hannibal Barca , the Carthaginian general who led an elephant-riding battalion across the Alps to attack Rome in the 3rd Century B.C. The few paintings I have seen of hannibal doesn't put him anywhere near the ugly mug of Diesel. Stand aside ladies and gents, history is being set up to be raped again. Ugh! Where are my puke pills? Last ,but not the least, a film which is in the preproduction stages. Its called MEG.Its going to be directed by Jan De Bont. You know the type, summer blockbuster. It basically is an adaption of a bestselling book which chronicles the hunt for an eighty foot long, 100,000 pound Megalodon shark, the most deadly predator of all time. I know whats the first thing that pops to your head. Jaws. I thought so too. But a look at the poster got my skin tingling. Who knows? This might be something worth watching. Coming, of course in 2007.

And now for a a trip down memory lane...

Thats Kaushik and me...

Thats Kaushik buttball and Rohan Misra there in my flat. They were lying around chatting about things when I asked Rohan for an imaginative pose. And what a pose it was. Captions , as you please.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Memory lane

Like I had mentioned in my previous post, I had been intending to post some of my meager photo collection to take a walk down memory lane...and maybe even have some fun in the process. So, here goes. Add captions to taste...

Well, allow me to introduce these fine gentlemen. From left to right. Tushar,from Bangladesh. Kaushik(fondly called buttball by us).Binod(well no nickname can do him justice) and last but not the least, Rohan Singha. This photo was taken in my flat a few months before I left Bangalore for good(4th quarter of 2004). Notice how Rohan is staring at Binod? Is that fondness in his eyes,or is that a vampiric smile I see? Add your captions ladies and gents.

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